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» Guild rules currently (as of 7/23/08)
Guild rules currently (as of 7/23/08) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2008 2:10 pm by Guest

» Forum Motion Rules
Guild rules currently (as of 7/23/08) Icon_minitimeSun Jun 15, 2008 6:13 pm by Grakel


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Guild rules currently (as of 7/23/08) Empty Guild rules currently (as of 7/23/08)

Post by Guest Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:10 pm

Basic Destiny guild rules:

Important to note: Disobeying the following rules may get you at least demoted, punished or even kicked from guild if it is warranted.

1. No begging, asking, or pleading or any form of requesting gold from guildies, we're not a beggars guild and we're not all rich. If a person does give you gold it is from their own pocket and up to them. We are glad to help run people through instances for gear but direct money will not be given out when you can earn it yourself using professions or other means easily.

2. No insulting, slandering, or otherwise disrespecting eachother, cuss words or not, it is all the same.

3. No using the guild bank to just make money, it is a central shared bank for the benefit of all, and to be a place we may get gear and mats for alts and professions. This is not a free store of items you can just auction off behind our back and if we suspect this is happening there may be consequences for you soon.

4. Try to help eachother in any way, either by just talking and directing eachother, enchanting or making things for other guildies FREE OF CHARGE, or simply grouping to gear eachother as well. We expect to see us all geared up and ready for the raids to come, this will all contribute. If someone would like to tip the person making them something that's up to them as well, free choice to do so, and not a requirement from the one being helped.

5. Participate - simply do your part, talk to us, don't continually go on pug raids alone unless there aren't others online at the time or not enough available to raid with in guild. We are growing yes, but still expect you to give an effort and try to work together. If you would like more priviledges this will play a factor as well.

6. As an officer, you must try to help at least one guildie a day, if we notice you do not do this, and you are at such a rank you will not be for long. You also must be registered to the forum to remain one.

7. Do not ask, plead or beg for promotions especially in guild chat. If you really think you deserve this within reason, it will be up to our leaders to do this at their discretion. You can try to whisper them in game (such as Kessa or one of her alts), or private message through this forum. But if you are to annoy them with it continually don't expect a promotion fast, be patient as leaders have many things to do and people to watch out for.

8. During raids, you are expected to only roll on class and talent-spec related gear. Only in cases where no one who needs the items will you be allowed to roll for any other spec according to talent points. So we will not see tank warriors rolling on dps gear, and vise-versa. That kind of roll is more of you being greedy, so be careful for the sake of others and yourself staying with us or ever coming to raids again. If need be we might even master loot in the bigger raids when we have more people, time will tell. Likely for raids of 10 or less it will just be NBG loot because it's much easier to see results.

9. PvP and ganking - Remember this is a PvP server, and we all understand how it is annoying and unfair to be ganked by a 70 at a lower level or attacked while fighting mobs, etc. Just use your judgement, if some ass is corpse camping you, keeps coming back etc, get on your higher alt if you'd like to own him, or ask for others to come along to slaughter them. We want to support eachother, and there's nothing wrong with guarding eachother or even other alliance. If you do, however, wish to just go on a horde killing spree, that's up to you, but don't expect them to all forget about it either and they might come hunt you down as well. We might even organize "real" raids like you see on retail more, taking down horde cities in large groups, that's where the fun begins! So have fun with it, ask for help if they won't leave you alone, and don't get too upset because ganking does happen, it's a fact on this server alot more than on PvE.

10. Last and most importantly - have fun! We're a laid back raiding guild, get to know eachother a bit, raid and party with some you haven't joined with before perhaps, if you only care about yourself you'll be just that...alone by yourself.

These rules may be revised in the near future but they are important and a good basis to start with, all guild members who plan to stay with us should abide by them. See you in-game!


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